Tag Archives: first-time published


So, if you can’t tell by the title, I’m EXTREMELY hyper!! My paperback book was officially released on November 25th, with the eBook versions out five days later. This dream was ten years in the making, and when that book was in my hands, I started tearing up. I may not be as far as my final goal, but this is the first step toward it.

This book was one of my favorites writing. It is a prequel to a trilogy I had completed TheProtektorsReality_400x640_115dpibefore starting to write this one. My goal is to get that trilogy traditionally published, hopefully sometime in the near future. This whole saga – which includes 4 short stories, 1 novella, the prequel, and the trilogy – is a project I started about four years ago. In fact, two of the four total books in this saga were NaNoWriMo wins, one in the traditional November NaNo, and the other during Camp NaNoWriMo.

Those of you that have a dream, don’t stop reaching for it! Though you may lose faith along the way, if you continue to pursue your dreams, I can guarantee you will not be disappointed!

Check out the tab for my works to find the synopsis and links for The Protektor’s Reality. I’d really appreciate any support I can get, including buying or reviewing! It is available as a print book on Amazon, Kindle eBook, and also on Smashwords in all eBook formats, online reading, and also PDF file.

And don’t think this means I’m done. My journey is just beginning.

My Dream Come True

So, I know I’ve been away a while, but with good reason. Things have been a whirlwind for me since my last post. I’ve had schoolwork upon schoolwork (Graduating in 3 weeks though, so can’t complain), I’ve gone to a baby shower, had to go home every weekend to work one day every week at my job. My 72-year-old grandmother got married this past Sunday, and family came in from all over the country to celebrate with us. I was even a bridesmaid! (They’re perfect for each other, btw ❤ ). So yeah, things have been nuts lately.

Oh yeah, forgot the best part about this late post…


TheProtektorsReality_400x640_115dpiSelf-publishing, anyway, but there’s no shame in self-publishing, especially in this day and age. In fact, some very well-known authors started self-pubbed. You can look on the My Works page for the blurb, as well as the links (once they are available).

I started writing this book over a year ago, as my NaNoWriMo project last November. I finished the book a few months later, and now it’s going to be in a physical paperback book! The proof is due in the next day or so. I’M GOING TO BE HOLDING MY ACTUAL STORY IN MY HANDS!!!

I’ve been writing with the intent of being an author for ten and a half years now, and now I can say it’s actually happening! It’s so surreal!

Keep watching this page for updates, especially when the links are ready, because I’d really like this book to succeed! It’s one of the best, most polished books I’ve ever written, so I hope everyone enjoys the ride.

Keep Faith!
