Category Archives: ToTV saga

New Release and FREE short story links

Good day, Vikans!

And a good day indeed! I have decided to do my official announcement earlier than planned.


KINETIC MEMORY, Book Two in my KINETICS series, released over the weekend. I alerted my Patrons and e-Newsletter subscribers to start with. If you want to get this kind of news first, support my writing endeavors on my Patreon [here], with updates and sneak peeks at Works in Progress for as little as a $1/month. Hoping I can branch out into extra cool stuff once I have more Patrons. You can also subscribe to my [e-Newsletter] list as well, and receive email updates about 1-2x a month at most, for updates on current writing projects, upcoming releases, and giveaways I’m going to be having. I will also occasionally be emailing for ARC readers for future WIPs.

Speaking of giveaways, I’ve got one coming up on my Author page on Facebook in about two weeks. Like my [Facebook Author Page] so you can participate. This one will be free signed, physical copies of KINETIC REBIRTH, Book One of KINETICS. So, like my Facebook page [here], or, rather, follow my [Twitter], where I will direct people to my Facebook page when the giveaway contest starts.

Also, I want to share these photos with you all. These were screenshotted this AM Eastern Standard Time, and I can only comment with *SQUEEEEE!!!” These are my rankings for my “Tales of Terrara Vikos” short stories. The first one, “Cross of Faith”, I first published in June 2012 while still in college. That was the start of my author journey, a journey that as of right now includes 3 full-length novels, eight short stories in two short story sagas, and who knows how many WIPs that either need to be finished writing or deeply edited.

I will put links for the “Tales of Terrara Vikos” shorts with the below pictures. Each section below will have the cover, the ranking, and links to where you can purchase them. My shorts are eBook only right now, but hoping to finish both series collections for print soon.

ALSO! Did I mention that the below 4 stories are ALL PERMAFREE EVERYWHERE!! Yes, including Kindle. Maybe, if enough of you download these 4 shorts, I can get bumped to wider categories! That would make my day! Especially as it was my birthday last week. 🙂


Tales of Terrara Vikos short stories::

Summary of series::

Join Lucian, Halden, Michael, and Kimberly as they take on challenges in the magical, hidden Realm of Terrara Vikos that even most adults 3 times their age. As Future Realm Leader, Lucian has a nice little target on his back at all time. With his friends in tow, they go through struggles of secrets, love, torture, and grief as they grow through thei childhood. No normal child could handle all the things that happen, but Lucian is no ordinary kid. Whether he knows it or not, he’s the Protektor and has pretty big shoes to fill. The world is depending on him in the near future, but can he last that long in his twisted experiences of his magical, prophetic life?


Cross of Faith (#1)







As of 2018-01-23::




Trees In The Storm (#2)






As of 2018-01-23::




Blood On a Broken Hand (#3)






As of 2018-01-23::




Warped Destinies (#4)








As of 2018-01-23::





Did I mention they are FREE ON ALL PLATFORMS?! Please download these, and maybe cheer me up as January 31st grows closer.


Oh, and my first full length novel, THE PROTEKTOR’S REALITY, takes place soon after the events of “Warped Destines” short above, the 4th and final one in my “Tales” saga for my Terrara Vikos universe. Maybe will be able to introduce you to more of that world soon. 😉

Here’s the links to this novel:


[Amazon Print]




I also have another short story series called “The Chaos Accounts”, which I can find a link to that page [here].

Also, here’s links to my first 2 KINETICS books as well, just on the off-chance you’d like to support them too. They are dedicated to my best friend, who died January 31st last year (hence why I said I need cheering up as the 31st grows closer). I’ve actually inserted her into the series as accurately as I can, and almost all the characters were ones we’d come up with for fun writing and forum-based roleplaying. Both are also in KINDLE UNLIMITED subscription service, if you happen to be enrolled in it and want to take a look-see at these two books. I also have a promotion at the end of the month where the first (Kindle version) will be free for EVERYONE for 5 days. Again, [Newsletter], [Facebook], [Twitter], and becoming a Patron on my [Patreon] are the best ways to keep up to date and as an occasional reminder should you want to wait. Also, Book Two (KINETIC MEMORY) (aka- the one I just released) will be at 99c for only another couple of weeks, so grab your copy while you can!



[Kindle/KU] / [Print]

The mystery of life and Limbo might ultimately be the death of her…

Jaden Walker has her future figured out. Seeing people who aren’t actually there is troubling, but she can handle that. That is, until she meets Kiran and Jessica Theron. The twins reveal three very important details: they have supernatural abilities, Jaden’s hallucinations are actually real dead people, and they want to take her home to her real parents. The twins rip Jaden from her peaceful, college student life into a world of magic and the unexplainable. But Jaden doesn’t just see the dead–she can communicate and interact with them. And someone else is hunting her for those abilities. For Jaden, this rollercoaster of a fantasy story should have remained in its book. Because, now that she’s living it, she’s finding it harder and harder to believe that anybody will tell her the truth. Even her closest friend.



25353950_774331536087850_8225048927092445593_n[Kindle/KU] / [Print]

The Past is a complicated place… After bringing Kiran and Jessi back from the dead, Jaden assumed things would get better for her. Even with worries lingering on the horizon, her immediate frustration was dealing with the twins’ deceased father and his arrogant demon who developed a strange fascination with her. When their friend and companion Shalbriri falls ill, the annoying demon has a plan that might just save the Fifth Kingdom heir’s life. However, it requires returning to the twins’ birthplace, a town outside of the Five Kingdoms. With her sister-mother Dove in tow, Jaden, Lukas, and the twins all venture to the run-down village of Hyndon. The longer they stick around, the more Jaden realizes there’s more to the place than meets the eye, and those shadows offer no comfort. The answers they seek lead them to the most unexpected place. There is truth hidden in their parents’ past… but it all leads to a man she wishes was merely an ancient myth.


Also, if you’ve read or will eventually finish reading these or ANY of my works, PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW ON AMAZON! Reviews are an author’s best friend, and I would be eternally grateful!!


Well, back to part-time author time. Keep Faith, everyone.

And, as they say in the Five Kingdoms, “Assume Nothing.”

– C

New Year’s 2018 – Looking to the Year ahead

Hey there, Vikans!

So, we’re about a day or so away from the end of 2017. Looking back at the events the rest of the world dealt with, from losing friends over politics, shootings, some people scared to even cross the street. We lost pop culture icons, some very tragically. So, in the public eye, 2017, in general, sucked.

I look back on my 2017, my personal 2017, and, on the surface and at first, seemed just as sucky and tragic. My regular day job is going through major changes that might have me out of work some time this year. My books, stories, and Patreon supporters had drastically, exponentially less impact on the reading community than I had hoped for. And, biggest hit of all, I lost JV on January 31st. There’s rarely been a day since she passed that I haven’t cried or at least gotten choked up. She was my coauthor, my co-conspirator, my Youtube vlogging partner, my best friend, and, post-mortem, my biggest source of inspiration.

Which leads into the next, and more important, part of this post. I have very strong GAD and depression, which means trying to find things to be happy about is very VERY difficult. However, at the end of every year, I organize my thoughts, reflecting on the year as a whole, both good things and bad. Here’s a bit of happy things I am grateful for:

  • Went to Smoky retreat again. It was only 3 weeks after JV’s passing, so I was in a dark spot. My fellow Somkies supported me lie I’ve rarely had before, and I cranked out 30+k on my first KINETICS novel.
  • I finished my Smoky project within a month (End of Feb to end of March), and sent it out for professional editing a week or two later.
  • I got to kick two bands off my bucket lists of concerts I wanted to see live before I die. AND got to take my sister. Sister bonding time rocks. 🙂
  • I wrote three short stories that became my CHAOS ACCOUNTS serial saga. Fourth one, “Account of Secrets” is due at the stroke of New Year 2018.
  • I wrote and completed both KINETICS #1 and #2, titled “Kinetic Rebirth” and “Kinetic Memory” respectively. First one went live in September/October 2017, and the second coming late Winter 2018
  • I started two new novel projects. One was KINETICS #3, title TDB. Second is the first in my CASTERS series, which essentially is recycling characters from my first series I wrote in high school and creating a story so drastically different than their original one.
  • I rebranded my short stories, that now all have bad-ass covers. 🙂
  • I linked all my series into a connected, interlocking universe (KNU), where each one relates to another, so my readers can find Easter eggs and connections and freak out as much as I was when making those very links.

And that’s just the major stuff. This year was my most productive writing year since I started my writing journey in 2007. … Wow, ten years? Hard to believe. But, that’ll be a reflection I tackle in my blog at a later date.

I’ve finished two full-length novel manuscripts, started 2 others, and cranked out 4 short stories. And that’s just the writing bit. I’ve come so far in my day job career, learned so many new things. Plus, the year has rounded out with rebranding both of my short story saga’s. I’ll provide links to everything I’ve published to date, including the New Year’s preorder link to “Account of Secrets“, my 4th CHAOS ACCOUNTS story.

Looking toward 2018, I’m determined to be just as productive as I was in 2017, maybe more so. In addition to CHAOS ACCOUNTS #4 on New Year’s Day, KINETIC MEMORY is due out in a month or so (still working on last minute proof checking), CHAOS ACCOUNTS  #5 is slated to release in Spring/Summer 2018, and I’ve got a plan to hopefully have another book released in Summer/Fall 2018 as well, but depends on editing and cover delays. This book will take us back to where my publishing journey started. Hint: it’s a world that I’ve already written stories for. It’s also the namesake for this website. 😉

Now, here’s the covers and links to all of my writing that I’ve published. Some are free permanently, some free only until the New Year (on Smashwords only), and some that cost a little bit.

eBooks Only:



Cross of Faith (#1): [Amazon] / [Smashwords]
Trees In The Storm (#2): [Amazon] / [Smashwords]
Blood on a Broken Hand (#3): [Amazon] / [Smashwords]
Warped Destinies (#4): [Amazon] / [Smashwords]




Account of Anxiety (#1): [Amazon] / [Smashwords]
Account of Unrest (#2): [Amazon] / [Smashwords]
Account of Friendship (#3): [Amazon] / [Smashwords]
Account of Secrets (#4): [Amazon] / [Smashwords] (Preorder until January 1st, 2018)
Account of Risks (#5): COMING SPRING 2018!!


Both eBook and Print::

Terrara Vikos-related:

The Vikan Quartet (Tales of Terrara Vikos collection, stories #1-4): [Kindle] / [Amazon Print] / [Smashwords]

The Protektor’s Reality: [Kindle] / [Amazon Print] / [Smashwords]




**eBook only**: Kinetic Tragedy (a Kinetics prequel): [Instafreebie]
Kinetic Rebirth (#1): [Kindle] / [Amazon Print]
Kinetic Memory (#2): COMING JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2018!!


Until 2018, Vikans. Have a Happy New Year, and see you on the other side!


Updates for some and for all

Hey there, Vikans! Been a while. Last you heard from me, I was prepping to return to RavenCon, as my 2nd year as a panelist. First off, IT WAS A BLAST!! I had my boyfriend, along with the amazing [Tee Morris] and Sonic Boom, accompany me this year (minus one [Pip Ballantine], unfortunately), which made it even better. I struggled a bit though. This RavenCon was the first in three years that JV didn’t join me. I took JV Jr (my stuffed Haruhi I take everywhere, symbolic of JV still near me), and snapped a few pics, though not as many as I’d planned. There were some amazing people that joined the panelist’s list, who I wanted to spotlight, because I’m nice like that:

[G.B. MacRae]

[David A. Tatum]

[Sean CW Korsgaard]

[Misbehavin’ Maidens]

There were a LOT of amazing talented acts, but only the above answered with links, so they really take their networking seriously. Props to you guys!

Anyway, all of my panels went well, aside from a stupid mistake I didn’t realize until my last panel on Sunday. When I go to Ravencon, I discount THE PROTEKTOR’S REALITY for a Ravencon-only price. It wasn’t until the end of that Sunday AM panel that I realized my mistake and was able to squeeze in the info about the con-pricing. Then, a few minutes later, as people filed out, I had two purchases of TPR, as well as a handful oTheVikanQuartetProofsf others taking the printouts of “Account of Anxiety”, detail postcards, and business cards with the 100% discount of THE VIKAN QUARTET for RavenCon participants, valid only
until the end of May (If you got that code, time’s running out! Only 14 days left for that code!!)

Now, onto next order of business: THE VIKAN QUARTET.

It released yesterday in eBook, and print on Amazon the day before. Go grab your copy as soon as you are able! It is essentially my four Tales of Terrara Vikos short stories in one copy. Around 4:30 EST on eBook release day yesterday, I went onto Amazon and found this::





Alas, I really have no idea how many people have actually purchased these, as it seems there is a lag in reporting. -_- I know, right?

So, spread the word!

Alright, topic #3: THE CHAOS ACCOUNTS. I put Account #4 (tentatively named “Account of Secrets”) on hold, due to this post’s topic #4 below. Topic #4 needed my undivided attention, and still does. I’m working on AoS as much as I can manage, but my #secretproject takes precedence. So, I am still working on Account #4, but when it will be completed or released is still majorly “TBD”.

Now, my last topic of interest: #secretproject. No, I’m not saying anything now, other than this project is my ultimate dedication to JV and her amazing life. I’ve finished editing it, and it’s about to go into post-production.


My Patrons will get more details on what this #secretproject is this coming weekend. The rest of you who are not Patrons will have to wait another two weeks or so. My Patreon also has a lot of awesome reward tiers, including news first, booklets of short stories, even FREE, AUTOGRAPHED books!! Interested? Click [here].

Well, that’s all for this post. Be back on soon, hopefully.

And, as always…

Keep Faith, guys. 😀


To Ravencon, and BEYOND!

So, here we are. It’s a Monday, and I don’t know about where you are, but here, it is extremely dreary, rainy, mucky, and depressing. Doesn’t help the Monday Blues much, does it? (Correction: it’s a Wednesday now. Typed that part on Monday… :/ )

At least I have something to look forward to later this week.

Ravencon 2017 happens this Friday through Sunday, last weekend in April, as per usual. This will be my eighth year attending, and second year as a panelist. For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, Ravencon is a sci-fi/fantasy/horror/mystery/fandom convention, mainly for writers, artists, and die-hard fans of pop culture and/or literature. The Dealer’s room is like a candy shop for avid readers, and the costume parade is amazing to watch. I have a handful of friends that attend regularly in cosplay, so it’s always fun to catch up and admire their hard work.

I’ve posted my schedule in [this post], but I’ll add it below as well, because I know my reading time.

That’s right.

I have a reading.



Have yet to figure out what to read, but *maybe* I’ll read from my secret project. Just *Maybe*.

Speaking of, no real updates or news on the #secretproject front, other than still awaiting my professional edits. Still cannot say anything else at this time.

HOWEVER! You may have seen this cover across my social media over the last week or so::


That is the cover for “The Vikan Quartet”, a collection of all 4 of my Tales of Terrara Vikos short stories, and includes a sneak peek into THE PROTEKTOR’S REALITY as well. It is now available for preorder as an eBook on most eBook platforms, and the links to it (and anything ToTV) can be found [here], on my Terrara Vikos page. Official Release Date for “The Vikan Quartet” is slated for May 15th, 2017 (Monday, 5/15/2017).


*whispers* It’s gonna be in print.






Sorry, but I’m currently bouncing off the walls over this.

Unfortunately, Print book won’t have preorders, but, if you’d like a reminder, I’m getting my email newsletter thingy set up again, and this release will probably be one of the first I send.

[Newsletter Link]

Also, this e-newsletter will include TONS of updates and news as it pertains to my life as an author. So, if you’d like reminders and exciting news sent straight to your inbox, sign up with the link above.

Here’s my Ravencon Schedule::


4 pm (Panel) Why I Write Short Stories

7 pm (Opening Ceremony) Large Auditorium



10 am (Panel) How to Revise

1 pm (Panel) Writer With A Day Job

***3 pm (Panel) Self-Publishing 101 (Added 4/27)

7 – 7:25 pm (Reading) Room 4



11 am (Panel) The Adult In Young Adult


Hope to see some of you there! Also, hunt me down at Ravencon if you’re going, because I have a special deal for Ravencon attendees only pertaining to eBooks of mine…



Keep Faith, everybody. ❤