Upcoming Release! KINETIC HISTORY (Book #3)

So, I’ve been hinting at KINETICS news for the last several months, and that waiting is about to pay off, Vikans!


The third book in my KINETICS (KNU) saga, KINETIC HISTORY, will be published for your enjoyment on January 31st, 2020!!


(((Cover made once again by the ever-amazing Designed By Starla)))
(((You want a cover as cool as this one? Find her at her website [here])))


Friendships can be complicated…

A month after the Hyndon excursion, Jaden is still rattled at meeting the infamous Faust, once a myth, now a horrible reality. When Jessi gets kidnapped by the demonic soldier, it’s up to her and Kiran to rescue her. Faust’s clues lead them to new information, self-realizations, and reunions with old friends.

However, playing his game can’t be their only option, if they want Jessi back in one piece. When the answer for turning the tables lands in her lap, Jaden doesn’t have faith that she can do it. But, she doesn’t want Faust to get under her skin either.

Faust wants to play a game?

Then he better be prepared to lose.




I’M SOOOOOO PUMPED!!! It’s been a full 2 years since KINETICS #2 came out (January 2018, yikers!), so I’m excited to finally get a new one out!

Oh, and coming back to the ever-awesomeness that is Designed By Starla, she has to be psychic, knowing things that I really didn’t fully tell her, and she delivers something better than anyone could’ve ever pictured.

Follow this with me, okay?

This is a cropped portion of the cover::


As you read the book, you’ll understand why I point this out. This character in particular used to be pure and kindhearted, as seen from the right half of his face:


But, if you look at the left side on its own…


… You can see he might not be that kind any longer. And that devilish smirk (*swoons*)… Couldn’t see it when looking at the full face, could ya?

Again, Starla. Is. Magical.
Change my mind.
Come at me, Bro.

So, eBook for Kindle devices is already available for preorder on Amazon [here], if you are the digital, tablet reading-type. But, if the smell of the crisp pages of a new print book are thrilling to you, here’s a special option, just for those of you that find access to the below details and links…

Now, special deal for all you Vikans out there. I’ve created a form that puts you on a list for print copies of KINETIC HISTORY after the print is released. However, this isn’t any ordinary list. This is a special list. Those of you who like signed copies, this list is your shot! Fill it out, and once I get copies of the physical books, I will sign AND personalize copies based on the recipient’s details filled out on the form. Once I’ve got the supply, I will reach out to each of you, confirm you are still interested in your order, get your address to mail a copy / copies to you, and then purchase through PayPal. Copies are only $9 a piece (list price on Amazon starts at $10.99 for the print copy), with an additional shipping charge of $4.

Interested in this deal? The form will only be active until the evening of January 30th at 9 PM EST, after which the form will be locked. So this is a limited opportunity.

Also, I have decided to run this type of deal with the previous books as well. There’s a form for KINETIC REBIRTH (#1), a form for KINETIC MEMORY (#2), and a form for ALL THREE BOOKS!

Pre-Release SIGNED book deals
— Pricing details —

> Each Copy: $8
> Shipping: $4
>> Form closes 2/16/2020
>>>>> [FORM]

> Each Copy: $8
> Shipping: $4
>> Form closes 2/16/2020
>>>>> [FORM]

> Each Copy: $9
> Shipping: $4
>> Form closes 2/16/2020
>>>>> [FORM]

All 3 Books (KINETICS #1-3)
> Each Order: $25
> Shipping: $5 per set
>> Form closes 3/1/2020
>>>>> [FORM]


So, guess that’s about it!

I’ll update the “Kinetics” tab to reflect the new release details in the next few days. If you’d like, look around the rest of my website.

I also have other series to explore, if they sound intriguing enough for you:
>>> [“Kinetics“]
>>> [“Terrara Vikos saga“]
>>> [“The Chaos Accounts“]

I’ve started offering Fiverr Gigs (see this [blog post] on starting a Fiverr business, as well as my [FIVERR] tab, also found at the top bar menu), so maybe I can help some more of you creatives out there do you. I’m on Fiverr [here]. My “FIVERR” tab has yet to be updated from recent changes in Gigs I offer, but should have that fixed soon. If you want to directly see my gig offerings, go to my [profile] and check ’em all out!

Anyway, Keep faith, guys.

Book Three makes you question the stakes even more.

And assume nothing.

Because this Kinetic adventure is just getting started.

– Chrissy



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